Bank of England Reports Published in April 2021

PRA Regulatory Digest – April 2021 – Read the report

The PRA Regulatory Digest is for people working in the UK financial services industry and highlights key regulatory news and publications delivered for the month.

Quarterly Bulletin – 2021 Q1Read the report

The Bank of England collects data from banks, building societies and insurance companies in the UK. We use this data to monitor and react to risks in the financial sector, and the economy more widely, and to supply data to the Office for National Statistics.

How has Covid affected firms’ costs and prices? – Read the report

Survey evidence suggests that unit costs have risen over 2020, as firms’ input costs have fallen by less than sales volumes. This may have put some upward pressure on prices, partly offsetting the downward impact of lower demand.

Eurozone suffers double-dip recession as pandemic impact continues

From: The BBC

The eurozone’s economy has fallen back into recession as the impact of the pandemic continues to hit activity.

Europe’s economies have been set back by a renewed surge in infections this year and Covid-related restrictions.

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Why a Rise in Retail Trading May Signal Another Mania

From: Daily FX

The coronavirus pandemic brought the global economy to its knees. The sudden stop of commerce rippled through all aspects of life, from travel to dining, and retail. The premise of social distancing – avoiding close contact to reduce the spread of COVID-19 – also prove antithetical to another aspect of life: professional sports.

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UK’s Unemployment Level Improves Despite COVID Restrictions

From: Daily Forex

The United Kingdom’s Office for National Statistics reported recently that the unemployment rate stood at 4.9% in the three months to February, better than expectations of 5.1% and below the previous reading of 5%.

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World shares off record peak; dollar rises

From: Reuters

World shares fell on Friday, retreating from Thursday’s record peak as investors worried about valuations, while the dollar posted its largest daily gain since late February.

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Overwhelmed India running short of COVID-19 vaccines

Euro zone inflation jumped in March, taking another step higher in what is likely to be a temporary but sharp climb that may put consumer price growth above the European Central Bank’s near 2% target later this year.Several states in India have run out of vaccines against COVID-19, exacerbating a dire second wave of infections that has left hospitals and morgues overflowing while families scramble for increasingly scarce medicines and oxygen.

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FX Rates in April


Apr High: 1.1772
Apr Low: 1.1486
Apr End: 1.15



Apr High: 1.3997
Apr Low: 1.3692
Apr End: 1.3938



Apr High: 1.216
Apr Low: 1.1731
Apr End: 1.2114