Happy New Year!.
As there has been very little relevant news out over the Christmas period and the little that there was I wrote about in yesterdays report, I thought I would take this opportunity to wish you all a happy new year! Having spoken with a number of my own clients who read this report, I gathered that the most useful part of it is often the rates so I will include these below along with the data out today.
As we are now back in the office, this time of year, for us, is often spent helping clients with their budgets and strategies for the year ahead. With that in mind, if you think it might be a useful conversation to have – feel free to give us a call whenever you can and we can begin working on something relevant that will hopefully stand you in good stead for 2024.
If you have any questions surrounding any news reports you have read and how that might affect the currency pairs you deal with – feel free to give us a call and your dealer will be there to answer any questions.